Mentoring through transitions
Do you feel like your world is changing and you are going with it? Whether it is at work or personal life as a human being you are inevitably creating and experiencing shifts. What matters is not that these are happening but whether you are able to navigate through and be you in all that you do.
Who you were 10 years ago, 20 years ago is not the person you are now nor becoming. When you look in the mirror and say ‘is this me?’ well is it? Questions like this start to bubble up when you are shifting. You may to many appear on the outside as the same person you always have been. You dress the same, look almost the same (well almost), talk the same. Yet inside of you is a swell of turbulence, questioning, seeking and wondering. Is this really the me I want to be in the world?
This is the hallmark of a person in transition. The trigger for you will differ as much as you are different from others. Yet the experience generally that you have is common. Therefore the first thing to know is you are not alone. Reading this web page you may feel this way. Yet right now there is a person on the other end of this website who is here for you.
I am a person who gets it, knows exactly how this feels. I also am a person who has done the work over many years both to learn and to grow. It is from this place that I offer myself whole heartedly to support you on your journey.
I welcome you here and hope to be of service to you in some way.
What I do is mentor and guide people in times of change and transition.
I wish you well on your journey finding and being you amongst the changing and shifting world within which you live and work.