Reflection on meditation teacher training

Over the years I have enjoyed various forms of meditation. Through informal study and experimentation I explored practices that support me as well as enable me to help others through meditation. As this approach has been quite intuitive and ad hoc over the years I decided to expand my knowledge and skills with a formal training program. As mentioned above I completed studies as a 'Transformative Meditation Facilitator'.

As I am taking note of my learning I thought I would share with you a few points.If you already have a meditation practice then these points may not be new. However you might find them good reminders or notes to share with others who are curious.

  1. Meditation is a positive generally applicable way to support you in establishing and maintaining well-being.
  2. There is no single way to meditate. There are many.
  3. Virtually everyone can learn to meditate. Subject to a few situations, you just need to try, explore different methods and find what works for you.
  4. Meditation is the truest example of an approach that requires life long learning. I don’t believe we can ever finish learning to meditate. Every time you practice you open up to more.
  5. Meditation is about focus and practice balanced with allowing.
  6. Whether done as a formal class or on your own during a break at work, meditation will create indirect benefits in multiple areas of your life and work.
  7. We benefit from meditation through increased self-awareness, reduction in stress related symptoms and an improved ability to stay focused and in the present.
  8. Developing a meditation practice and following it enables you to be better at what you do whether it be running a company, leading a team or living your life.
  9. Meditation is a metaphor for life.  We can be distracted and off course or we can bring ourselves back to centre and focus on what matters right now.
  10. There are no age limits, education prerequisites or barriers to practicing.
  11. You can meditate anywhere at anytime, really!

Oh and one last thing. What I have learned the most in my experience so far is that I have a lot more to learn! I am in awe and humble respect of the practitioners who live and breathe (no pun intended) their practice.  My teacher this year in fact has been teaching for over 30 years. She is an example of a true mentor in this space.

If you would like more details about my experience I am happy to share these with you. I am also open to support you on your meditation journey no matter what the context.