Action and Non-Action - A Reflection Process

© Jenn Shallvey

Shared from the recent newsletter - a reflection practice.

In the spirit of building resilience through self awareness and embracing the apparent polarity of action and non action I offer you a practice.

In your reflection lets play with the states of action and non action. Let's explore what they mean for you and how they have changed in your life and can sustain you going forward.


Start with some questions.

  1. Are you aware of a default state to take action or non action?

  2. Over the years of your life how have you changed in your propensity towards action vs non action?

  3. What scares you about action? What scares you about non action?

  4. What excites you about action? What excites you about non action?

  5. What areas stand out for these scenarios?


The premise of this reflection is a choice of either or. Do or not do. Yet not doing is an action, right? Yet there is a different quality of choice in your sense of awareness and consciousness in each.

Describe in your own words what it looks and feels like for you to be either in the action or non action state.


Take a few examples from your day - both of action and non action. For you what differentiates the two? What makes each work/help/support and not work/hinder/detract? Do you notice a pattern?


Now pause. Stop the reflection, questioning and contemplation.

Take a moment to play with action and non action. Pick a task and pay attention noticing what happens with you step in and stop yourself doing something or take action when you would not normally. I suggest a safe and non threatening practice area to start. Then start expanding into areas that scare and excite you.

Over time notice how you balance in your action and non action in your day, week and so on.

Above all enjoy the experience.

Jenn Shallvey