All I want for...

© Jenn Shallvey

© Jenn Shallvey

Fresh air.

Clean water.

Loving people in our lives.

A roof over our heads.

A place to call home.

Nature within reach.





Someone to hold us when we cry.

A shoulder to lean on.

Being that person for others.

Healthy safe food.


A way to serve that helps others.

A way to be that helps us.

People getting along.

People who disagree really listening to each other.

Real conversation.

Genuine interest in others.

Acceptance of differences.


Weird, quirky and strange that challenge our thinking.

Creative bright sparks who expand our views.

Variety, diversity and difference.

Multiple ways not just one.

People living as examples.

People still learning.

The right to be who we are without hurting others.

Permission to make mistakes and learn from them.


Self love that creates other love.


Sitting still and just being in the moment.

A meditation that connects to all.

History teaching rather than repeating.

Abundance shared.

Multi-cultural as a cherished gift.

Talent nurtured from within.

Humour and laughter. 

Beauty in all forms.

Music that speaks to our soul.

Community filled with permission to be individuals.

Blue skies.


Bees making honey and flowers seed.

Kindness first, hate last or never.

Words that do not hurt others.

Remembering we are all human.

Collaborative agreements.

Earth friendly innovation.

Art as a messenger.

A voice.




Living by values not just saying them.

Enabling others less fortunate with respect.

Seeing humanity in all.



Authenticity that keeps evolving and developing.

Feeling connected to something more than ourselves.

Riddance of judgement.

Freedom to keep making lists of wishes.

Ability to make wishes come true.

Big wishes that come true for us all.

Jenn Shallvey