Remember When...

© Jenn Shallvey

© Jenn Shallvey

Shared from the recent newsletter - a reflection practice.

A trip down memory lane. Waxing nostalgic. The good ole days.  Memory like an elephant.  Just a few catch phrases that take you into the past. Each of these are positive in that you apparently value the event or experience of the past with high regard.  

Some memories can also be challenging and something that we don't want to bring back to awareness let alone rehash or reexperience. 

Either way the past is the past and it's energy can affect us in a myriad of ways - both positive and negative.

For purposes of this practice I am going to suggest you park aside the challenging, triggering and other such memories, especially if you have not processed nor worked on these (which I encourage you to do in your own time with appropriate support). Instead let's focus on memories that you personally classify and regard as peak, positive, constructive experiences.


Well I want to suggest that you can leverage these in the present.

Your memory of the past event will be stored in a multi sensory fashion. For example, let's suggest you had a favourite birthday cake when  you were younger. Each year you celebrated with this particular cake. Take a moment to remember a favourite past birthday when you enjoyed this cake. What do you remember?  Taste? Smell? Visual? Texture? Most of your memories will have this 'data', right?  I think this sensory approach to memory creates a bank of 'data'.

One thing is missing. Feeling. And this to me is key.

When we revisit a past positive memory we gather the data. Our purpose and intention for remembering will affect what we notice.  To go back in time and remember how you felt in this experience you create a deeper connection. 

So take our positive birthday cake experience. Imagine you are revisiting this memory but this time try to remember how you felt. Now you may or may  not be able to actually feel the difference this is why I suggest you imagine the feeling too. By doing this you connect fully to the memory.

Now let's consider why again. What if you could tap into your peak life past moments and apply the learning and energy. You may not be able to actually eat the cake again but you can sure imagine and reexperience the feeling. The feeling is timeless. Because this is a positive situation I am encouraging the feeling and connection. 

So let's try it.Pick a positive and supportive feeling / state you want to experience now. Perhaps you want happiness, confidence, motivation, inspiration, belief in yourself. Now consider times in your life when you experienced this same feeling or state. Maybe one comes to mind right away or even a few.Pick one you want to connect with.Now set your intent that you wish to connect with and feel the positive and supportive feeling of this event now.Close your eyes and see yourself for a moment in this experience. Breathe and be with it. As you connect you will start to feel different. A good litmus test is that a smile might naturally emerge. You will feel lighter and brighter. If this is not happening then the experience you are connecting to may not be as you perhaps remember. So seek to connect again to what makes you feel what you are seeking now.Then as you immerse yourself with this feeling notice how you were, what you did then, the ways you personally contributed to this happening. Come back to the present and carry this feeling with you. Also note the insights that you may consider applying to the current situation.
An example.

Let's say you are to give an important presentation to a group of people you never spoke to before. The situation could be work, volunteer organisation or even a family gathering. Whatever the case you are to stand in front of a group of people and speak and it is a bit daunting. Now many people get nervous, anxious when speaking in front of groups, even professionals. But one difference between letting the nerves get to you and not is an ability to draw from your own success, experience and knowing. 

So before preparing for the presentation you could tune in to past positive experiences (well in your view at least) and gather your own insights as per above. When you practice you carry the feeling and remember when you did this confidently before. Then at the time of the actual presentation you call in the feeling, consciously connect to the part of you that knows how to do this and speak from this whole place rather than just this one time. 

Now this suggested practice is not meant to be an excuse to live in the past. Instead it is a way to enhance your current life and help you navigate the future with more at your disposal helping you.


Jenn Shallvey