Seeing you in your own way


I see you.

I see the real you.

I see the original full and beautiful you.

Your image and persona presents itself to me before I hear or really know you.

Your facial expressions and body language talk to me before you utter a word or tell me how you feel.

Your choice of dress and style distracts me from your authentic inner most desires and beliefs.

I see you the whole of you.

I wish to know more of you.

I seek to navigate the dance of accepting you.

It is this complexity of the human relationship which catches me and many out.

It is our true deep desire to accept you as we would like you to accept us.

It is a human journey of me vs you into I and we.

We shortcut the knowing with judgements, assessments, conclusions - all made from our viewpoint not yours.

We unknowingly and sometimes knowingly adapt the beliefs of others without scrutiny.

We at times fall into the safety of group think and forgot our own thought.

Our world is not just my world.

Our world is not just your world.

Our world is our world.

Share you so we can know you.

Be you so we can accept you.

Love you so you we can love you too.

Aspirational, ideal - yes. Worth it - yes, yes!

Shed the anger yet assert your rights.

Acknowledge the hurt yet outplay the victim.

Embrace your story but let not it be you.

Greet me in your imperfectness and I will do the same.


Your life is more than you.

Our world is enriched by you.

I am just like you more than you know.

Jenn Shallvey