Start with a smile

© Jenn Shallvey

© Jenn Shallvey

I start with a smile. 

Before anything, I start with a smile. 

It is a magical mystical practise of no denomination. It exists on all planes, all cultures, all peoples, all beings. A smile is universal. 

A smile can be forced. A smile can be real, authentic, genuine. There is a difference. Yet, even just the simple act of choosing to smile, changes everything about us. When we choose to smile at somebody else, we also change everything in that moment.

Start, with a smile in you that nobody else can see. It is just a smile in your own self. How often do you ever smile when you are alone? Think about it. Is it only when you hear something funny? Is it when you watch something on TV or a movie by yourself that is so funny or joyous that no matter what you do, you can not help but smile? Observe and notice this spontaneous natural state of you as a human being. 

Imagine as well, the times in your life when you had no worries, no concerns, nothing to think about. How easy was it for you to smile in those times? Contrast that with times when things seem not so ‘good’, or when you think about things that you perceive as ‘not so good’, it is very hard to smile. Isn't it?

These are all smiles by yourself. Why would you want to ever smile by yourself?

Let me invite you for a moment of reflection. Imagine us sitting together and you are hearing these words:

As I hold this space, I hold this space with a smile. As I smile, I feel joy arising within me. I invite you to smile too.

A smile spreads across the face, casting away the shadows, tossing into turmoil the dread or despair that may have been felt a moment earlier. A smile is a remedy, self-administered, a medicine requiring no prescription. A smile is infinite in access and sharing. Those who smile are awakened to another place within themselves that is free to be joyful, happy, and alive. That is the ticket, the gateway, that a smile offers, brings and gives you.

We are talking about smiles, the power of a smile, the power of a smile within yourself, by yourself, without anyone else around. This may seem strange because most of the time a smile is done in exchange with another. Now you may or may not be the initiator of this smile. You may be the receiver. Either way most of our time, we experience smiles with somebody looking in their eyes. In exchange is a gesture offered and received without condition. You could even say it might be a reflection of love that we may have for our fellow human beings. How simple to be born with the ability in all of us to offer and receive something so easy and free.

What physical effort does it really take to initiate a smile? Not much. Just moving a few muscles, right?  

But smiling is not about exercise nor strengthening muscles. No. It is about what is behind the smile – your intention and feeling inside. 

So start with a smile inside you.

Then when you are sitting or in exchange with another person just consider smiling.  A smile, elicits happiness. A smile beckons and brings forth joy. A smile is a peacemaker, a lover of humankind. Let's all smile as much as we can to our self and others, whether expected, asked for or not. Then see what happens.