Trust your awake self

© Jenn Shallvey

© Jenn Shallvey

Travelling on the roads over any long distance you will encounter safety messages. These messages often flash on signs over the freeway or are posted as markers. They are good reminders to take a break. They are good reminders to stop and make sure you look after yourself. 

In life we need to do the same right? What if there were signs that were posted for us in our daily lives that did the same?

It would be fun to come up with our own self marketing campaign. Perhaps you might give it a go.

For now I wanted to focus on one sign that in real life I would change to use in my daily life.

Driving along of late I have noticed the sign saying “Don’t trust your tired self”.  Great message for drivers.  Though for me it is a double negative.  So I am turning it around and using the positive version as an expression in my life. When I see this sign I think “TRUST YOUR AWAKE SELF”.  I love this reminder as to me it applies to so much more.

Let’s consider these statements.

Do or don’t?

Our actions can be conscious or unconscious. In this context when we wish to change or reinforce a new way then bringing awareness to our actions helps. Here is a focus on one action - a choice of thinking one way or another. You either choose the action or not. Either way it is a choice. Also the reinforcement of your action is either positive or negative. Consider the active nature of doing something because it is a choice you make.


Right away a word is put to you that challenges all. To trust is to believe without doubt. It is an act of letting go of the questions and instead allowing. The act of trusting though is a subjective one. As soon as you introduce the object of trust it changes the degree. Trust can also veer off into blind naiveté or complicit agreement out of laziness or non interest. In these cases trust is not real but given in appearances. For trust to work and be true it needs to be from the heart and aligned within a person who is trusting.

In this case we are not trusting anything external to our self so the risk of misunderstanding is not there. Instead we are trusting our own self. This equation seems to be easy and simple. It is not. For we are taught and shown over many years through multiple influences to listen to others. I write often about intuition and listening to self so will not do so here. For this post consider that for trust in self to work you need to develop a relationship and understanding of self. Your perception of your self matters more than what others think. It is a bit circular too. The more you believe in yourself the more you trust yourself. The more you trust yourself the more you believe in yourself. So do both in the spirit of reinforcing a belief in you.


In physical terms being tired is a bodily warning sign. Whether driving or not it tells us that we are not functioning.  The rest of our functions will be less effective. The real life limitation on our ability is well documented these days through all the research and commentary on sleep. At a physical level a well rested body supports us better in our coping, decision making, stress management, health etc. It is common sense and fact.

On a metaphorical level though we can also be what I call psychologically tired.  We are worn out at an emotional, mental even spiritual level. The physical self will most likely be tired as well.  You know when you are in this way because you act out in reaction to situations without consideration for others. You also digress to negative self talk, let your inner critic take over. You can feel lost or missing a sense of purpose.  These are states of tiredness that tell you attention is needed.  

The type of attention needed is self care in many forms.  The form will depend on you and your preferences.  It may also require other care and support. When we are in a tired way it is important to seek the support if needed. Just like you would rest and / or sleep when physically tired you need to remedy the emotional, mental and spiritual tiredness.


There are many options.  Much is written these days about self care that you can explore and search for what works for you.  You will most likely already know.  

The way I help someone find their own way of support is to ask what they do when they are feeling good.  This will elicit a range of responses that vary as much as individuals do.  Some examples include exercise, meditation, connecting with friends, community classes, walks in nature, gardening, reading, games, pets.  The list is endless. The point being that we fall out of our habits of self care and the ‘tiredness’ is a sign we need to pay attention to.


A powerful word. Often this word is used with connotation that you are not aware or aware. In terms of self development I like to use the word to reflect our own sense of awareness of self and the world around us from a higher conscious level. We can be asleep in a sense when we choose to ignore, not pay attention to or dismiss our knowing.  An awake person pays attention and tunes into to their knowing. 

This post is not about knowing. It is about shifting our energy towards greater awareness. It is also about focusing on the positive direction in our life not the fear and negative.  When we seek to grow, develop and become more of who we can be then we are awake. When we notice more and more about how we are in the world, how others are as well and our interactions we are awake. We know what is right for our own self. We seek and learn how to then be more of this person in our day to day lives.  So much like the traveller on the road noticing the signs the awake person sees and notices without needing reminders. We are tuned in.  This state is a developed way of being that requires constant attention. Hence the reminder. 

Are you tired or are you awake?  


You are the most important person in this equation. You.  It is really up to you. Whether being reminded to not trust your tired self or to trust your awake self it is all about you.  Your choices, attitude, decisions, thoughts, actions, habits, behaviours, values, beliefs. They are all in the bucket of you. Nothing said or told to you will make a difference if it is not aligned with your self.

This travel message then reminds us that self matters. Our agency and individual choice matters. It reminds us that what we choose to do does in fact start with me, not anyone else. The message also reinforces the power of one. Your individual choice to trust you, to focus on being awake not asleep, means that you are doing your part. Then you become an example for others. Then others also do the same.  Collectively we are individuals in our own unique way coming together to make this shared journey we are all on work best for all.  Isn’t the purpose of a sign on the road to reach as many people as possible? Well let it reach you. Start there.

Ok, I admit this post is a bit in the overly positive I believe the world is a good place kind of way.  No apologies. If I was standing with you in person I would say the same thing. I fundamentally believe in the potential of all. There is so much there. All you need to to is Trust Your Awake Self.