Wisdom from my mother

In the long year following my mother's passing I continue to take moments to reflect on her life.  One way I do this is to read her notes, letters, files or just look at a photo or two.  Of course the ensuing reaction is a tearful release. Over time though I find that these tears are less about the loss and more about the missed opportunity of a life no longer able to give and make a difference.  In fact, in one of my mother's letters, written but never sent to me, she shares much wisdom.  It is in this context that I wish to offer a few quotes so that my mother's legacy of enthusiasm and inspiration lives on beyond her mortal life.

"Remember, meditation, a few moments of peace and quiet can restore one."

"Our life is like the sea in many ways and we are influenced by the tides.   We have stormy seas, violent seas, calm seas and swells but it is constant - always in motion, the highs and lows - and always returning to calm.  Constant change - but it is always there."

"People are important in our universe, because they are the universe."

"There's a lot of ugliness and horror in the world around us. However, we must be stronger and rise above that and shine a light to make it a better world."

"Each one of us has something to give to the world."

"Many people think that running away or moving to another place will get rid of the problems one has but you take you with you and unless you settle with yourself the same problem is going to bother you."

"People aren't perfect.  We alll make mistakes and some mistakes we make are horrible and hurt others. However, one mistake, even several mistakes doesn't ruin a life."

"Just think of all the days we waste and the many wonderful things around us that we don't see.  When we are in pain, trouble, sadness, loneliness we don't see anything because our inner storm is so overwhelming."

"I wish I could start all over - I would want to set the world on fire with my enthusiasm for life. But I sure wouldn't want to miss out on having you and your sister - so I'll keep my life and all my mistakes because it lead me to the greatest day, the happiest part of my life when I met (your dad) and when you and your sister were born.  Everything works out, if you keep trying."