Wisdom of Endings and Beginnings - A Reflection Practice

© Jenn Shallvey

© Jenn Shallvey

Shared from the recent newsletter - a reflection practice.

Life is about flow, movement and change.

As human beings we are not static inanimate figures. We are dynamic self directing agents of our world. The power we have within us to be is innate from the time we are born. Our journey is about learning who we are and expand more fully every day into our fullest potential.

Yes this may sound ideal because it is. We are so much more than we are not. We have infinite possibility of thought and feeling. Irrespective of our physical limitations our existence means we can be in the experience of the world around us at all times.

Imagine for a moment that you are in a bubble. Yes a bubble. Just start with that image. This bubble is your special safe secure world within which you feel protected at all times. Nothing can come into your bubble that you do not invite nor allow. Likewise nothing that leaves your bubble can go without your intention. Either way no harm passes through the bubble, only love.

In this little safe place now imagine that you are surrounded by light. Pick a favourite colour, whatever colour comes to your mind right now is probably the one. See that colour surrounding you. As you breathe in and out imagine that bubble of light around you expanding until you feel it is so big you can not see it’s end point any more. Feel into this space with intention. Hold the connection to that which gives you a feeling of love, happiness and joy.

This is the world you can create and live in every day if you choose. Yes it is a mental exercise yet half our challenges stem from what we create with our minds.

Now in this space of self, consider your life and world around you. For a moment give yourself permission to see your world as one that holds you and supports you. What are the ways in your world that do this? Note these as anchors for you.

Now as I said, life is about flow. So you are not static in this bubble are you? Not at all. In fact you can go back in time and see your past through the lens of this bubble. Peer out into your life as if a timeline emerges behind you. See where you have been. See who you were, how you changed and grown. Notice all the movement and change of your life so far. Amazing.

As you look back stay objective. Easier said than done, right? Yet in your little bubble you are able to sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Notice what you are drawn to in your attention. As emotions or feelings come up acknowlege them. They are real. Yet let them go too. Experience the witnessing of your life, not the reliving of the experience. There is a difference. If at any time the reflection is too challenging simply stop. Refocus on your bubble and bring your attention back to you where you are right now in this place and time.

Now notice a pattern. Notice your pattern of endings and beginnings. See these beyond the markers of time. Begin to characterise aspects of your life so far as experiences that shaped who you are now.

Look now at your experiences and imagine each as a snapshot of your life. As you look at each see if you can capture the essence of your learning. What did you gain, grow from, learn, develop into as a person because of that phase, stage, experience? How has the ending of each enabled you to shape and move into new beginnings?

As you reflect you will eventually gather a collection of valuable gems of wisdom that are uniquely your own. You take this wisdom through every moment of every day of your life. So each beginning is a new application of your own wisdom. Whether a moment, day, week, month or year.

Yes, right now you are creating a new beginning. Your awareness after doing this exercise will be different. The learning you take into the next place of time will empower you even more.

As a part of this process of reflection see something new. See that endings and beginnings are also more fluid than you imagine. It is not so easy to demarcate the stopping and starting points. It is more an evolution and shaping of our selves.

Yet who you are now as a person is far different than the one you are looking back at. The ending of that part of you is everyday. The beginning of the next part of you is right now.

This is the point of looking at endings and beginnings. Your wisdom is the thread that holds change together. It is from this place that you then are empowered to be with others and share endings and beginnings with others.

For now though be in a place of awe and respect for the journey you are on personally. Honour your path. Hold space for you. Then take what you know forward into the next step.

As you travel through beginnings and endings the common thread is you. Each stepping forward moment is a more expanded you moving. Each stopping point is a recalibration of understanding. Each reflection is a gathering of knowing. Take all of you into each moment of your life. You are a valuable and treasured gift to all.